Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leading and Managing Avolio and Yammarino Organization

Question: Discuss about theLeading and Managingfor Avolio and Yammarino Organization. Answer: Introduction In the words of Avolio and Yammarino (2013), a successful organization needs an effective leader and relevant leadership styles for maximizing the efficiency of the employers and achieving the organizational goals. With the help of effective leadership models of an organization, the responsible leader can motivate the people by creating confidence, providing guidance, making the proper work environment and building morale (Van Wart 2013). This would enhance the foster growth of the company. According to Dinh et al. (2014), the theoretical framework of transformational leadership model indicates the quality of this style that it creates an inspiration and motivation to the workers, manages all the systems and builds a team for effective business deal. In this perspective, in this essay a leadership model will be developed which concentrates on the three major areas of leadership such as teamwork, leadership theory and power which mainly serves the better and efficient management of the organization. The structure of this leadership model should be like this. Figure 1: Leadership model Source: (As created by author) Discussion: This essay highlights the three major areas of leadership in terms of teamwork, leadership theory and power, in which the main idea of an organization is to encourage the group work along with special preference to the individual person, give liberalism instead of excessive supervision and implementation of effective leadership styles. In this perspective, as per the transformational leadership model of an organization, the individual employee gets support and encouragement from the leader (Antonakis and House 2014). As a result, according to this theory, the followers can communicate with the leader easily and they can share the innovative ideas and creativity with the team leader (Harris et al. 2013). By following this strategy in the organization by the above-concerned leadership model, the interrelationship between the leader and followers can be improved and effective. Moreover, with the help of this leadership model, the individual employee gets the credit which provides the motivation to them. According to Chemers (2014), by implementing the transformational leadership model, the leader can be able to stimulate the employees to explore innovative ideas and creativity through which the individual employee gets own credit for personal work. On the contrary, in the words of Ciulla (2013), by following this leadership model, the problems related to vision of the organization cannot be mitigated. The above-concerned leadership model does not concentrate on the different vision of the employees and leader. As a result, misunderstanding occurs in the group and a serious threat occurs in the decision making situation of the company. This would lead to delay in the work process of the organization. In this perspective, as commented by Eacott and Evers (2016), the responsible leader generates the sustainable value for prospective business and motivates the workers for completing the job with a sustainable and inclusive global economy. In addition, the effective leader needs the quality of meeting the challenges of an organization both in social and environmental way along with maintaining a balance in economic value (Van Wart 2014). According to Davies (2013), as per the transformational leadership model, the effective leader should influence the followers through the procedure of intellectual stimulation and acquire the potential goals of the company by building empowerment and commitment. Moreover, the theoretical concept of situational leadership model refers that the effective leader should have the quality of an effective decision making and good communication system which would mitigate any issue reacted to this factor (Thompson and Glas 2015). Apart from this, the effective leader should have the confidence and integrity to support the entire team to perform best in any critical issues. Moreover, the most important characteristics of the effective leader according to the situational leadership model is to control the whole situation and take appropriate decisions in a proper manner in the difficulty condition (Miner 2015). The core values of the above-stated leadership model are the efficient communication process, generating innovative and creative ideas and provide credits to the individual worker. In this perspective, by implementing the above-concerned leadership model, the organization gets several benefits regarding the communication system, generating the innovative thoughts and creativity and provides support and credits to the employees. Furthermore, this leadership model helps to improve the relationship between the followers and leader. This would enhance the efficiency level of the workers. Moreover, in this leadership model, the followers get importance during the time of decision making process which would motivate them to work more and generate innovative thoughts in their work. In addition, the leader is supportive in nature and do not supervise the employees in a strict manner. As a result, the employees can perform the work in a free mind. In addition, the team work is done in a successful manner and the followers get respect to the leader which would enhance efficiency level of the worker. In this scenario, the organizational culture of an organization indicates a better situation if this above-stated leadership model is used. As there gives the priority of the followers in the decision making process, the teamwork have done without any collusion and confliction of the group. The entire group of an organization can be able to reach in an effective decision without any counter attack of each other. As a result, the work culture and environment is suitable for work and foster growth of the organization is possible. Apart from this, by implementing the responsible leadership style in the organization, the leader is effective to control the difficult situation and take the potential decision. Moreover, the leader can successfully motivate and support the employers which would diminish the confrontation between the followers and leader. As a result, no toxic environment is created in the organizational culture. In this scenario, the above-concerned leadership model seeks to achieve the foster growth of the organization regarding the efficient work culture in the company. In this perspective, the prospective leadership style wants to achieve the level of commitment in terms of excellence and integrity which is a core value of the model. Moreover, this leadership model wants to acquire actions and experience from the real life examples in a fairly and justified manner. In addition, by implementing this leadership model, the main motive of the organization is to achieve the potential goals by encouraging and motivating the workers in a higher level. Apart from this, the concentration is given on the creativity and innovative ideas of the employers which would enhance the efficiency level of the workers. Figure 2: Belbin Team role Source: (Belbin 2012) In recent scenario, the successful organization follows the Belbin Team roles in their leadership style which is partially different from the above-concerned leadership model. According to Thompson and Glas (2015), the Belbin Team roles refer the nine characteristics of a group which would ensure the efficiency of a group along with the team leader. The main difference is that in the above leadership model there is lack of coordinator who would set and focus the objectives of the team and delegate the whole work appropriately. In the words of Davies (2013), as per the Belbin Team role, shaper takes the responsibility of motivating the team to acquire goals and overcome the obstacles in a proper way. This responsible person is missing in this above-stated leadership model. As a result, the actual motivation process is hampered. Apart from this, the successful organization follows the democratic leadership model in which the leader gives the freedom to the workers but there exists some limitation in terms of power at a certain point of view. In this leadership model, the freedom has given to the workers instead of holding a certain power in the organization which would create confliction in the organization during the time of decision making process. From my point of view, with the implementation of the above-concerned leadership model in an organization, as a responsible leader, the extra concentration on the team work of the employees is given. In this perspective, the preference is given on the group work instead of individual work which would enhance the efficiency level of the workers. Apart from this, by following the team work in an organization the effective decision can be taken in the difficult situation. Conclusion: The above analysis showcases the information that the above leadership model mainly highlights the three major areas of leadership such as leadership theory, teamwork and power in which the new ideas and issues have been analyzed regarding the credibility, relationship and vision of the organization. Moreover, in this perspective, the quality of an effective leader in terms of traits, tasks and skills are discussed and the core values of this model are evaluated in this context. Furthermore, the advantages of implementing this leadership model has been assessed which encourages the foster growth of the company. Apart from this, by implementing this leadership model in an organization, the organizational culture has improved and effective and there is no issues related to the employees of the organization. However, this leadership model has a little bit difference with the Balbin Team roles of leadership model which is currently used in the organization. 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