Monday, June 15, 2020

Philosophy (Essay) - 275 Words

Philosophy (Essay Sample) Content: Name ProfessorCourse Date PhilosophyQuestion one Explicit contradiction- is preposition of a certain kind that the conjunctive proposition whereby one of the conjunct is a denial of the other conjunct. For example, john is an excellent singer, and its false that John is an excellent singer. Implicit contradiction- is a singular statement which is some way committed, implies or entails some obvious nature. Question twoA-proposition, E-proposition, I-proposition, and O-proposition. Question threeAll dogs are non-lizards A-formSome cats are bipeds I- formAll horses are not brown A formSome lies are not immoral- O-formQuestion fourAxiology - This is a branch of philosophy dealing with ethics, religion, aesthetics, and values. Epistemology- This is the branch of philosophy concerned with the scope and nature of knowledge.Semeiotics- The study of symbols and signs as elements of communication behaviourQuestion FiveKnowledge that Vs Knowledge whyThis is knowledge designe d to achieve a certain objective while knowledge why is idea taken to attain a certain reason. Physical impossibility Vs logical impossibilities There tangible aspects that restrict proper functioning of a situation while logical impossibility-intangible use of the mind to solve problems. Question six10. genus 9. praxis8. Reductio ad Adsurdum7. theoria6. semeion 5. episteme 4.analytica 3.Axioma 2.sophia1. phusisQuestion sevenYes all S are P since S and compounds of PS are not P- false since all S have to be P. for example all dogs are mammals. Some trees are plants. This is true and mandatory since all trees are belong to a family known as plants. A thing must either be or not beQuestion EightThe principle of non-contradi...

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